i have to agree with blueberry...be lulled into complacency by the fact that you are surrendering some of your rights for "the good of the cause." it's just my opinion, but if things are really as good as the sponsor may want you to think, then you would never have any reason to shop anywhere else. i, myself, have ordered several times from SWF.com and to be honest, i don't have any complaints. regardless, i think it's ridiculous that you can't express yourself in a respectful, eloquent manner because someone, somewhere affiliated with swf.com may find it "offensive" or "detractive to business." once again, i repeat, i have spent something on the order of $750 with this site, and i have no complaints. i just expect that the amount of money i HAVE spent would allow me to speak my mind without reprise or persecution (like i have already experienced)...