BurnNSpy's lessons learned


Active Member
So far I have watched some livestock die in my reef tank:
Dottyback eaten by a hermit that was sold to me as a scarlet hermit but wasn't.
Scopas Tang, got a type of fungus and died before copper treatment became effective.
Hawkfish jumped from the tank.
Pipefish, I tried to save it from the LFS, because it wasn't doing well so I got it discounted. It wouldnt eat, even when surrounded by amphipods and copepods.
Brain coral, purchased online arrived with a tear and never recovered.
Crocea clam died of unknown cause, discovered a predatory flatworm(pseudoceros paradalis)2.5" long a few day later and removed it(possible cause).
Yes, I have made mistakes in the last 2yrs. Water conditions for the tank was never less than pristine:
pH 8.2-8.4
alk 2.2-4.5mel
clacium 380-450ppm
phosphates 0-0.5ppm
nitrates 0-5ppm
slainity 1.023-1.024
temp 79-82F


Active Member
Everybody has had the same kind of experiences, its just few are willing to admit it :)

nm reef

Active Member
seen some mistakes myself in the last few months........my 55 reef was born on 1/1/01.......so
I'm still a infant...........and learnin as I go...........but Its nice to admire what for the most part ya'all have built
cause I've come here with questions and problems
after seening many problems with my tank i have noctied that the people who have the best tanks have the best readings on there test, hence if your in an established tank and have 0to 10 nitrates, and your tank dosent fulucutuate i gotta give you credt
someday..... someday


I've yet to meet or heard of anyone who hasn't lost something in their tank. But when this does happen, discovering the cause and willingly sharing results might prevent this from happening in anothers tank and it certainly helps us all gain valuable knowledge along the way. There are many ways to doing just about anything, some work for others while some don't. Learn all you can and it will lead to being successful. Thanks for sharing Burn.


New Member
BurnNSpy don't be so hard on yourself, If nothing, you care too much. You can't blame yourself for trying to save a fish from a lfs, You did a good thing. The brain coral you had no control of. It seems to me all the other incidences, you fond the cause, and solved the mystery. Your advice on this board has helped me greatly. Keep it up.
BTW my wife loves the picture of your kitty in front of your tank.


Active Member
The hardest part of this hobby is the failures we all have had. One who views tanks and sees beautiful salt fish never realize how hard it is to do it right. If you read between the lines here on the board you see all the experienced people are willing to share their failures and what they learned from it.