burnt yellow


my yellow leather is doing great and is geting huge! BUT its always been a very light yellow and the tips that extend out are a burnt color. its always been like this in my tank but in the LFS it was a bright yellow. Lighting are p/c lights. He is doing very good i am just a little disapointed in the color. any ideas why? my bulbs are a little old, could that be it?
ok for the lighting, IMO, i dont pcs are a good choose, and if you want to keep it then at least upgrade your lighting,2nd ya it probaly is the old bulb, you should change it imediatly before it can damage anything


i am going to change it soon, so do yo think the color is b/c of that? other than the color the leather is doing awesome. i am even thinking of fragging it soon. it is huge!
ya i think its because of the lighting(or the lost nudibranch) but your leather might be fine but a light yellow might be because your in the middle of the boarder line, your light is keeping it alive but not happy