Bursa accepting or denying?


I have recently purchased a Bursa Trigger and it is Possibly eating after day 1. I have fed it frozen krill and a frozen cube of Formula One.
He seems to spit out a lot of food and sometimes appears to keep some in. Is this normal behavior of a trigger to spit food out of its mouth either breaking it apart to eat or rejecting it.
Is krill the best to feed them? They say meaty diet so that can be a wide range of "stuff". How about live food?
Second, a Lunare Wrasse matched up with the trigger. Will that work?


I,ve seen Triggers do this. Feed him silversides and krill. Occassionally (once a month) give him some brine if he will take it. Soak this all in garlic.
I would stay away from live foods. To many problems come with that.
Hope that helps a bit.
I can't answer your other question with confidence.