bush poem


Active Member
someone posted this on another board / bored .
just meant to put a smile on your face.
PSALM 2008
Bush Is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want.
He Leadeth Me Beside Still Factories,
He Restoreth My Faith In The Republican Party,
He Guideth Me In The Paths Of Unemployment.
Yea, Though I Walk Through The Valley Of
The Bread Line, I Shall Not Go Hungry.
Bush Has Anointed My Income With Tax Stimulus rebates,
My Expenses Runneth Over My Income,
Surely, Poverty And Hard Living Will Follow Me All The Days Of My Life.
And I Will Live Forever In a Rented Room.
But I Am Glad I Am an American,
I Am Glad That I Am Free.
But I Wish I Was A Dog
And Bush Was A Tree.


Active Member
By Pam Meister
Our Obama, who art in Washington
Flip-flop be thy name.
Thy Presidency come, thy will be done
In D.C. as it was in Chicago.
Please take away our daily bread
And raise our taxes
As we appease voters who want social services.
And lead us away from self defense
And deliver us from sovereignty.
For thine is the way of globalism
And the power of Socialism
Forever and ever,
Yes we can.


Active Member
I like saltn00b's better as it can actually be backed up by fact, where as oscar's plays off of right wing propaganda, but it is funny as well. I will have to show both of these to my friends!


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
I like saltn00b's better as it can actually be backed up by fact, where as oscar's plays off of right wing propaganda, but it is funny as well. I will have to show both of these to my friends!
Obama= Socialist=fact ( Even Hillary in her speech spoke of "shared prosperity" if that is not socialism what is?)
Obama said he will decrease funding of defense systems= fact
Obama said he is a citizen of the world in Germany that=globalism=fact
Obama will raise taxes=fact
Michelle Obama's speech at the convention was almost word for word from parts of Sol Olinski's "Rules for Radicals". More socialism.
I'd say Obama's prayer has more FACT, please prove me wrong, but the above are right from the mouth of the annointed one.


Active Member
Geez....can you say Defensive?
So I had a couple beers in me, I should have just said I like both of them, they are funny.
Both are propaganda that can be backed up by examples, not facts. I see why everyone keeps saying we are a nation divided.


Active Member
For those of you old enough to remember the theme song from the Beverly Hillbillies
Come and listen to a story about a man named Obama
His life was pretty easy, never filled with lots of drama
And then one day he was snortin up some toot
when up came a crook with lotsa campaign loot,
Tony that is, Mr. Rezko, convicted felon.
Well the next thing you know O-bama's a Senatar,
No clue what to do, now that he is there
So he bribed delegates, and covered up some dirty deeds
To run for president, we are hosed if he succeeds
World War III, Economic collapse, Terrorist attacks


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
Geez....can you say Defensive?
So I had a couple beers in me, I should have just said I like both of them, they are funny.
Both are propaganda that can be backed up by examples, not facts. I see why everyone keeps saying we are a nation divided.

So... the word's of the Obamas, Hilaary Clinton and others are not facts, just "examples"?
Wanna debate what "is" means too?