Busy Week.


I am going to need a break after this week. I have five interviews, one per day till friday. I had to turn the sixth one down because it was 300 miles away. I did not think I could make it. I also have three other applications out at the moment beyond these interviews. I so scared everyone, I shaved. I had a pretty good beard going. I improved the wardrobe a bit too. I usually wear a plain tshirt and blue jeans. I may even get the slacks out too.


Active Member
yep, get out the slacks and a nice shirt. a tie wouldnt hurt either:D what kind of jobs are you applying for?
good luck!!:cheer:


A tie? If I do that everyone will know I have lost it. I hate ties. I prefer the hungarian collarless shirts. But I just may wear a tie this week. We'll see.


What kinda job??? My hubby went on an interview and blew it cause he didn't have a PORTFOLIO!! People hafta have a portfolio now!?!?? The next interview he blew was cause he asked how much the job paid!! I thought you'd want to know stuff like that, but apparently your not supposed to know!!


Active Member

Originally posted by Tizzo
What kinda job??? My hubby went on an interview and blew it cause he didn't have a PORTFOLIO!! People hafta have a portfolio now!?!?? The next interview he blew was cause he asked how much the job paid!! I thought you'd want to know stuff like that, but apparently your not supposed to know!!

That's the funny thing about interviews, you really can't prepare for them. I've been a contractor for 13 years and worked for up to 10 different companies in a one year period so I lived in interviews. I realized years ago that either they like you on personality or your pretty much screwed. It's not always 100% that way, but most of the time. If they did not think you were qualified, you would not be sitting in front of them. Especially when they fly in you in half way across the country. Of course with so many people out of work, they can be a little more selective, but they don't tend to put that much into it unless they are just going for whoever will work for less.
Two examples. Recently, I was interviewed on a contract for a job that was identical to the one I just completed at the same company that came in under budget and delivered 3 weeks early. The rollout was perfect and now another area wanted to do the same thing. They knew who I was and I had tons of recommendations from the area I was leaving. They picked someone else who managed to completly blow the whole project. They called me 2 months later wanting to know if I would take the contract. I told them I was committed and unavailable. I found out a few weeks later over a beer with the old project manager that the guy who interviewed me did not like me because the watch I was wearing was nicer than his. :notsure:
Now another situation was an interview that within the first 30 seconds I realized that I was not interested because the guys interviewing me were complete idiots. When one guy asked me what I could contribute to his company ("his" company, mind you. He was a lacky), I figured I would cut the interview short by turning the question and simply said something like, "I believe the resume you are holding answers that question sufficiently and the fact that I'm here supports it. A better question would be 'Why would I want to work here?". Anyway, 3 days later I got a call with an offer which I countered with some insane figure to bow out gracefully.
Just be yourself and be honest. If you are qualified, confidence and consistency will go a long way.


Two down three to go. I know what you mean there Tangman99. I can almost tell you how it will all turn out. I just hate to get my hopes up or dash them. Just wishing it was friday and I had a nice frosty beer. To make matters worry I got gang raped on astrowars. Six alliances, seven individuals ganged up on me. I have one or two more to boot out.:help:


Off to the third interview in a couple of hours. So far I have gotten two rejection letters. I interviewed yesterday and got a rejection letter that same day. I just got the second one from the monday interview. I don't mind the rejection letters just that they seem to have their minds already made up. I interviewed at 9:00 and got a rejection by 3:00. I feel they should have at least taken 24hours before announcing their decision. Courtesy wise. Oh well three more to go.


Active Member
unfortunately some companies already have a canidate in mind even though they are interviewing people. My company does this all the time. Just take it for the experience.
Good luck in your next few, you will find something, it just takes time and you obviously are prepared. :)



Originally posted by lovethesea
unfortunately some companies already have a canidate in mind even though they are interviewing people. My company does this all the time. Just take it for the experience.
Good luck in your next few, you will find something, it just takes time and you obviously are prepared. :)



Active Member
i dont see that you mentioned what kind of jobs you are applying for. did you decide on a tie:D
good luck and let us know what happens with the rest:yes:


1. Policy and Development Secretary - no go
2. Aquatics Coordinator - no go
3. Sybille Research Facility Biologist - interview yesterday.
4. TIC Phone Representative - interview this afternoon.
5. Biological Secretary - Monday
No jokes please. I did decide to go with a suit and tie today. I have not worn one in five years. I am currently hoping for the third one. Free housing at the facility. I am currently doing the fourth. Yep I had to apply for my own job. They all pay the same except the second. But that's out. Oh well.


Active Member
no jokes here.....whats to joke about? Its hard looking for a job, if they would just say up front what they want, it would make it a lot easier.


Active Member
no jokes, just wondered what type of job you were looking for. they sound suit & tie appropriate for an interview.

cptn howdy

what?!?! dude don't WAIT! call em back. hound em. make em sick of you.
if i'm the hirer i don't want my employees to be the kind that sits around and waits for things to happen. i want go-getters. now go GET.


Hell ya. I got to keep my old job at less pay. Man I love politics. I didn't get the biology sec job. Oh well. There's still hope I may get the Sybille Biologist job. We'll see.