I totally hate replying to threads like this here because it isn't what people want to hear and a hundred people who never had one for more than a year will dissagre with me, but I owe it to the fishes, so here goes'IMHO
Copperbands should only be raised by butterfly experts. Although they are considered to be moderate to difficult, heres the thing, for every Copperband you buy, hundreds will die to replace him. Whenever the distributor I worked for got them in, 50% were DOA. We switched to net caught Hawaiin and Australian only (which no stores wanted to shell out the extra $s for) we still had over 25% DOA. Dont say we had bad exporters because we served 5 states and our volume was high enough that we could could buy directly from the most reputable in the world.
So the moral of the story is, if you fail to keep 1 alive, don't mourn just him, more all the fish that died trying to get to the store. And for all the people ready to say "mine lived", you should mourn the ones that gave their lives so that you could say that.
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