Butterfly fish compatability???


Hey guys,
This topic has been bugging me for ages. I know a few guys around where i live that say Butterfly fish aren't agrro towards one another and another few guys which say putting more than one butterfly in a tank is killing a beautiful fish...
Which one is it???
I want to keep more than one species of butterfly in my tank (copperband, threadfin and a long nose butterfly)
Is it possible?
The tank is 60 Gallons and im planning on upgrading to a 125Gallon once the fish get abit bigger. In the tank with the Butterflys will be a Dwarf Lion and a Maroon Clown pair.
Will the butterfly be compatible?"


Active Member
No general rule on BFs, Many species can be kept in with others and in groups and many that can not. Could be why the confusion. Depends on the species.
A lion IMO is not a problem with BF as long as the BF is not too small and the lion trys to eat it. A Dwarf should be fine.
Of the 3 BFs you listed I would not put them together. Esp. the Threadfin.


I kept a thead fin and a racoon together for a long time. They went in together and were about the same size. I saw a copperband

a longnose they might not get along. I think its more territorial than pure hate thats why I think if you're going to try it I'd put them in together


i have a lot and they are living together just fine, i have a 125 and i have a Dusky butterfly, raccon, golden, pakistani and a yellow tail(austriallian) not to mention some tangs angels and a box fish and eveyone is hapy.