Butterfly Fish


Hello everyone its been some time since I posted,cause everything is all well in my tank,as of now.Im looking into setting up a 220 gal for Butterflys or Bat fish anybody know what to do with the problem of them getting ich besides dosing the tank with copper.I have a long nose butterfly in my 150 gal with my triggers,tangs & clowns & she is doing great,now I want to set up this new tank with some other breeds of fish. All suggestion & comments welcome. :jumping:


use a q/tank and do hiposalinity dont dip, and dont use copper thats like quimo. just check the desease thread and it will tell you the steps of the above .(rick)


Thanks for the quick responses,everything worked out with this longnose Butterfly & yes I do have her in with about 6 triggers, 2 tangs & some clowns.I hope to get a 220 gal to house more butterflys