Butterfly isn't eating


New Member
I've had freshwater fishies for years but am new to the saltwater variety.
I have a six month old 55 gallon reef tank (lots of live rock and sand and 7 fish) and I recently introduced a rather docile copperband butterfly. Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to want to eat with the other fish. She shows no interest in flake food, frozen brine, or live brine. The other fish are having a field day with the brine but she just hangs out in the corner until they finish.
The tank is stable, the water readings are all really good, and I'm doing biweekly water changes.
While she does seem to be picking bits out of the live rock, I'd like to supplement her diet. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.


Active Member

Generally butterflies do not like to compete for food. What else do you have in your tank?
Also, I suggest you try as wide a variety of food as you can, fresh or frozen, green and meaty. Brine shrimp is not very nutritious. Also try hanging a algae or seaweed sheet on a clip or rubberband it to a rock. It may prefer to graze.


New Member
I have a fairly peaceful tank. Clarkii clowns (2), royal gramma, coral beauty, orchid dottyback, and the butterfly. No one fights. No one even nips. There are also 3 emerald crabs, 4 peppermint shrimp, and a bunch of hermit crabs and snails.
I tried dividing the tank by feeding on one side, letting all the fast fish dine there, and then adding some additional food to the side where the butterfly hangs out. The food just goes right by her.
She does seem to want to graze so I'll pick up some clippable seaweed. She also spends considerable time "hunting" on the live sand even though she never seems to find anything.


Active Member
I bumped a thread in the Fish Discussion forum for ya'
The fish of the week on the butterfly by jwtrojan, might be worth a look.
Good luck and keep us posted.


My best luck with copperbands has been with fresh scallop(not frozen breaded)chopped fine and make a few extra small feedings to give it a chance. It would have been easier if it was the first fish in than the last. Good luck


New Member
I just got back from the LFS and am armed with algae + clip, live brine, live blood worms (ew), frozen "finicky eater" squares, and garlic sauce.
Blood worms don't like garlic sauce...


One more reason to use scallops is its way less expensive than lfs foods and it smells butterflies love it. The deli is a great place to shop for fresh seafood and its easier to chop if it's frozen and if the fish doesn't like it you can eat it