Butterfly Probs!!!


Ok I have had my racoon butterfly for about 1.5 years, and has never really been a problem. I am worried about my lil guy because of his recent activity. He has been swimming in the back left corner just kinda staying there in that area. I would go to feed, NO response. I would feed frozen, flakes, pellets. NO change!...just kinda staying put. Then just now, he went to the clown area (which is a big couch shell and stayed there) The lil clown (the male I think) kinda pushed him out the way, at least 3 times. and he went back to the corner. He is not gazin on the rocks like he usally does, not eating...what gives. All of the other fish are fine and doing the normal... I dont see any spots or anything of that nature on any of the fish....THOUGHTS. I hope to post premeters tomorrow...busy day at work and tomorrow too....general thoughts???? Thanks!