Butterfly question


I was wondering if there were any butterfly fish that I would be able to get for my 55g that has two clownfish and a blenny already. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Active Member
Butterflies fall into the category of difficult to keep fish, they are very sensitive to water quality, and most are very difficult to feed. Racoon butterflies are generally considered to be one of the easier butterflies to keep. Be sure you witness them feeding at your LFS before you purchase one. I also don't recomend keeping one in your tank if it is less than six months old.


wow, I was actually thinking I would get a no butterflies at all, kinda like the tangs. But I can wait if I have to, not much farther to go. thanks


Active Member
Just be sure you do plenty of research on the particular species you want to keep many will only feed on certain types of corals.


I have two Heniochus in my tank and they are doing great. Both of them are eating all that is offered to them. I feed frozen mysis and they are eating the flake I give to the clowns. They also are eating the algae sheets along eith constant grazing. They get a fresh clam treat almost weekly as well. If they are eating at the LFS they should do fine.


Heniochus are beautiful fish and easy to keep. They grow too large for a 55 though.
As mentioned, be sure to research the needs of any butterfly that you consider. If you keep your tank lightly stocked then you can probably get one down the road. Some possibilities are: Burgess, Klein's, Bluestriped, and possibly copperband. Copperbands are hit and miss though. Some do well and others perish within six months.


Ditto on the Heniochus. Great personality, exotic look, active swimmers, eat anything, very easy to keep.