Butterfly safe for reef?


Hey all. I've been running my 55g for over a year now, and I was wondering if adding a long nose butterfly would be a safe idea for my tank. All of my current fish are very peacful and small. My tank has only soft coals (xenia, mushroms) in it and everything is doing fine. Should I get the butterfly?


Active Member
I have a longnose butterfly with my soft corals and he doesn't bother them at all. He does tend to nip at the LR a little though.
Cooperband is best bet! My lfs told me that Cooperband is as a considerable reef-trust and reef-friendly. Also there was another post by someone that have his Cooperband in his reef and highly recommend Cooperband as butterfly caterogy in reef aquarium.


Active Member
i am looking at the copper band, all the research i have done on htem says that they are ok with soft corals, but not anemones, which is cool by me, the ony anmeones in or going in my tank fora long while si the aptasia(not by choice either)


Originally posted by fshhub:
<strong>i am looking at the copper band, all the research i have done on htem says that they are ok with soft corals, but not anemones, which is cool by me, the ony anmeones in or going in my tank fora long while si the aptasia(not by choice either)</strong><hr></blockquote>
Wow that's interesting. They eat anem., but not corals? I also recall copperband as fairl safe . . .yada yada, I had a yellow tang who always sucked slime off a toadstool leather, and helped it to it's demise. Go figure. :(


The copperbanded is known to pick at feather dusters, so if you have them, or want to keep feather dusters, I do not recommend one. Other than that a nice fish.

kris walker

Active Member
From what I read, copperband is great for a reef because they are aiptasia devourers as suggested by fshhub. They are suppose to be in the same "aiptasia enemy" class as peppermint shrimp.


Active Member
awwwwwwwwww man
you had to say tha didn't you, feather duster, DRAT!, that i swhy i don't have any peppermints, the ones we had tried to eat aall of our cluster duster, SHOOT! i really wanted a copperband


New Member
get the big longnose it will do excellent in a reef tank. but it might be hard to get feeding


Longnose butterfly is reef safe with caution. which basically means it depends on the individual fish. I had one in my reef and he picked at and killed a green open brain (but never touched or bothered my purple metalic green open brain) before I could remove him and take him back to the LFS for trade. Nice fish (gotta love a fish that sleeps upside down at the top of the tank) but it may be a problem in the reef. If you buy it make sure you can take it back for full credit if it is a problem.


According to information I have, from "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist", Robert Fenner says most butterflies are perfectly safe for a reef tank. HTH.


Active Member
I have a long nose buttlerfly who is probably the busiest fish in the tank. Don't have corals so can't comment on that. I know that he cleaned out every other living organism on my live rock. If you like fan worms and such, probably not best to go with long nose.


Copper Bandded are great reef tank fish but if you have a feather duster he or she will eat it. If you have Aptasia he or she also eat that. I have one in my tank now. Buy a small one and let it grow in to your tank. :D