


I just bought right now a copper band butterfly fish and a racoon butterfly, how delicate are they, can someone tell me, what do they eat, i have live rocks its a 120 gallon tanks I have peaceful fish right now, except a cardinal sometimes.


Active Member
The copperband would be considered the more delicate of the two, they don't always acclimate well. I would feed a good variety of food such as formula one, frozen mysis shrimp, plankton, etc. I would also add vitamins and garlic to the food to try to get them eating well.


I also want to know if I can put different butterflies together, would they fight?


New Member
Originally Posted by MaDdEsT
I also want to know if I can put different butterflies together, would they fight?
Depends on the species that you want to put in the tank. Some are more aggressive towards one another then others are. It is species specific.


I'm sorry, but post like these make me

Instead of indangering the lives of 2 fish and just buy them because they're pretty, why not research the information first? You don't know what they eat, if they're compatible, or how 'hardy' they are.
Not trying to bash you, just can't figure out how people go waste money and blame everyone else on why the fish died (not saying you've done it, but similiar post have).
Originally Posted by JonP
I'm sorry, but post like these make me

Instead of indangering the lives of 2 fish and just buy them because they're pretty, why not research the information first? You don't know what they eat, if they're compatible, or how 'hardy' they are.
Not trying to bash you, just can't figure out how people go waste money and blame everyone else on why the fish died (not saying you've done it, but similiar post have).
+1 I bought my copperband after a couple months of research on the species and studying success storys. I have mine on mysis and butterfly formula
is was quite a feet getting him on that.
Depending on the size of your copperband, I am sorry to say that it may not make it, usually the large ones acclimated better, the raccoon is hardy for a butterfly but the key word in that sentence is BUTTERFLY, butterflies definately are not a begginner fish. Just make sure that you supplement with spounge, other wise they will slowly degrade.
oh and forget about getting corals


Right now they are doing good, they are swimming not hiding, and they are looking for food on the bunch of rocks that i have. I put some mysis shrimp today but they are not eating, it might take a while i guess hopefully. That's what happend with my coral beauty angel. Tehy are not fighting neither, it looks like they get along. They are sometimes together.


I agree with the previous posts you really need to do your research before you buy anything. I had a copperbanded for about 3 years I asked the LFS to feed him before I bought he. He was eating so thats the only reason that I bought him. Make sure your fish are eating before you buy them as well. I have never had a raccoon butterfly, but they are supposed to be very difficult to feed. MY copperbanded recently died because I put a tang in there and he gave all my fish ick. I had the tang in QT for 8 weeks and it still brought something in my tank. Try feeeding the most variety that you can with these 2 fish. Try all the frozen foods that you have available to you locally and do it soon like today. ANy unteaten food should be removed from your tank. Also they will pick at the rocks because they are eating what they normally would in the ocean the trick is too get them adapted to frozen foods. MY CBB would eat brine shrimp, mysid shrimp, bloodworms, and marine supreme, but would only eat mysid shrimp for about the first year. Good Luck.


My copperband just started eating today some misys shrimp, Im thinking about getting live copepods, see if that helps, the only one now that is not eating is the racoon, but hopefully it gets better.


Im back again with some good news, they are eating now my two butterfly fish. Live brine shrimp, they eat when the lights are off, if they are one only the copper band would eat. They look good right now, its been a week. Do you guys think they would survive now?