Button polyp propagation


Ok, now that I have some info on mushroom propagation, Does anyone have an easy way of transfering a few polyps from a healthy colony to new rocks? Garf says pull them off with a pair of tweezers. Won't that tear the base or do they let go quite easily. I have some that have somehow attached to the inlet cover of one of my pumps and I would like to move them to another rock in my tank. Can I just pull them off of the cover or do I need to cut. All you reef keepers plz share your knowledge.
Garf is good, but sometimes beginners like myself need a little more in-depth explanations. I feel like a sponge sucking in the info on this site.


well, i just tore off a portion from the main colony and attached it to a rock with a rubber band. they are amazingly resilient and even though you will tear their base, within a week or so they will be attached to their new home. i even used my fingers to rip the piece off the mother colony! hope this helps :)