Button polyp reproduction


Since I've started feeding my button polyps silverslides the have reproduced at an incredible rate. Within a few days of feeding them I can already see them splitting and new ones sprouting up. I started with approximately 16 polyps but since feeding them directly (3 weeks)they've reproduced to as many as 40. Has anyone had this experience with other types of corals? I plan to specialize in propogating corals in species tanks and would appreciate any help.

nm reef

Active Member
Yup....if you feed 'em they will spread. I've got several types of polyps that I direct feed a few times a week and they've all reproduced at a rapid rate. I recently returned a fist sized colony of dark polyps and several yellow polyps to my favorite LFS for purchase credit. Also direct feeding will increase the growth of LPS type corals considerable (but it has not induced reproduction...yet). My metallic green bubble is fed meaty foods twice a week and it has tripled in size...the thing is becoming a monster.:cool:
In addition I direct feed my cynarina/brains/favites/favia/ricordias/frilly mushrooms...I even give my gorgonia a direct feeding of the juice/liquid whenever I feed the other corals. Doesn't seem to hurt any of the corals and several respond real well.:cool:


Thanks nm reef. For awhile there I was afraid no one would respond. It's very seldom that I ask a question but when they started multiplying so quickly I got curious. I'm going to have to take a trip to the lfs soon to trade them in.


Active Member
the little piece of rock i got with the botton polyps...it has about 5 on it..now has abot 25 in 2 months time. very cool. spreading off the rock. I give them some food directly and they close up and eat!
they always seem to catch something floating by


What do you feed your polyps? Do they just get some "juice" from your fish food or is there something specifically for polyps? I have a few in my tank and I want them to spread.


I've been feeding my yellow polyps and brown sea mat frozen brine with a turkey baster.Both have responded very well.The yellow polyps have turned into weeds.I just place a piece of rock next to the main bunch,and they multiply onto the other rock over a peroid of a month or two.Then I can move the new rock to somewhere else,or get some store credit.The only bad thing is my lfs does the same thing from time to time.


I've never fed my star polyps directly since there is alot of food in the water column after feeding. That hasn't stopped them from spreading at all. I feed my button polyps silverslides. I cut them in half and pop it into their mouths. They have to contend with the crabs, fish and starfish but I make sure they get a mouthful. I believe that is why they've spread out so fast. My sunpolyps wasn't doing so well but after moving it under a shaded rock it has now regenerated.


New Member
The button polyps you mention feeding, are they also called button anemones ?. Are they brown or blue and look like small fine mushrooms ?. If they are Ive never thought about feeding them direct, will give it ago, thought they were filter feeders. If these are the same as what we call them here, down under, mine don't seem to like being in direct lighting. They move away to a slightly sheltered position. Brown seem to be alittle better with the lighting. How about posting a photo. regards Dirk