Button Polyps disapearing...


New Member
somehting strange is going on in my tank guys, my button polyps are comming out of the rock...i can't find them tho...something creepy is going on...i have 10 blue legged hermits, a clown and a blenny...thats it in my tank...someone have any idea...i don't think its the hermits eating them becoz...the man at the LFS said they are 100% reef safe and all reefers use them to eat leftovers on the bed of sand...try to reply soon...i'm worried...i have 30 gal...96 watt light...VHO, marineland bio filteration...thats all i really have.


What are your levels testing at? Are you using any reef supplements? If so, what supplements and how much?

kris walker

Active Member
Hi Tucker,
Welcome to the board. Most people hear have the opposite opinion of your LFS--blue leggers are not 100% reef safe. They sometimes go after corals or snails that are perfectly healthy. Based only on the info you listed, the hermits would be my first suspect.
Good luck,


New Member
really? those little terrists were all over my poplys today...i caught them...but i got the magnafying glass...i think thats how u spell it...not sure....and i did not see them eating anything they were just perching themselves...
i add calcium to my tank...all the level in my tank are normal...nitrates are alittle high between 20.0 and 40.0