buttterfly lovers!


Need help wants to knows more information about golden semilarvatus butterfly fish. :eek: how many can i have in the tank this is what in the tank now.
1 yellow tang
1 black damsel
1 queen angel juv
1 koran angel juv
1 dargonwrasse
1 mandarin
1 scooter
:rolleyes: :eek: :D


Butterflies are beautiful fish.
I'd say you have room for -10 of them. The tank you have now cannot support one of the angels(with existing fish), let alone the other poor livestock you have cramped in there!
Please do some reasearch on the fish you have, preferably before you buy them. Tose are some beautiful fish....and not cheap either. The juv.'s will grow to be adults. the koran will get to be about 12 in; the queen 18 and it requires a minof 100 gal. tank; yellow tang will get about 7; the dragon wrasse will get to be about 11"; the mandarin will prolly starve to death before it grows to be a max of 4"; and the scooter blenny can get up to 6".
My God man, what were you thinking? Not to bash you, but you need it. Within a couple of years you will have sardines....NO, they will be DEAD!
With all due respect, you need to stop buying fish and start spending the money on a larger tank. In a previous post, you IN ALL CAPS told oxtim12345 to read up on angels and recommended a book, I'd get a better book.
[ September 21, 2001: Message edited by: @knight ]


thanks, for the information i planning to to set up a 125 gallons tank in the near future.
as is to the angels right now there are still in there juv stage about 2"-3" large there no need for the arlam :cool: i have got this tank set up for almost 3 years now and i never lost a fish. the scooter shouldn't be alive but it lived a year and many more. about the caps i didn't know if it's cause you any harm i'm truly sorry :( ;)