Buy livestock online or at LFS


The key is finding a reputable provider and sticking with them, even if they are sometimes higher than another source that you don't know anything about. I like the {edit}, too, but I have a good lfs about 1 1/2 hours away that even trades with me and stuff like that. The guy who is there is actually a hobbiest himself, so it's possible to have an intelligent conversation and not just be fed a bunch of crap. That's just a long way to go and they don't have a huge selection all the time. No guarantee in the world can battle mother nature, and sometimes fish just die. I


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zanski
They wouldnt send you a sick fish because, they would never see you again... lol thats why the guarantee is there

I order from swf 3 times. The first two times the fises were great. My last order I got a very skinny emperor and a very skin and sick powdre brown not to mention that 2 fishes (a gold maroon and a royal gramma) arrived DOA.


Active Member
I also believe that when they have a "Special" they want to get rid of the fish. All the fishes that I got last time and didn't make it where bought at a "Special" price. :notsure: :notsure: :notsure:


Wow this is great to know. Live in Westchester NY, and I found one great store, the fish their looks great and they are really knowledgeable, but they don't have much of a selection and are very price. I was looking at a Snow Flake Eel for $65.00. They do have a guarantee but it is hard to pay those prices, so I was going to lean on this site. Now I am having second and third thoughts. I got some Inverts here and they all came in alive and are very active in the tank. By the way does any one know of a good LFS in Westchester or around I heard of one in Brooklyn but I was hoping for a bit closer


I am a bit weird when it comes to these things. i would buy hardier stuff online such has triggers, wrasse, groupers ect. Because generally you can get them to eat anything and are usually easy fish to keep. But when it comes to things like angels, anthias, butterflies and some tangs i would only get from a LFS. That way i can see them myself and know if/what there are eating. And see how healthy they look. The same is true for fish that are prone to diseases.


So far the only trouble I have had ordering on line is with the shipping. I just got a frogspawn, some cheato and a tiger jaw fish today. It was suppose to be here yesterday morning. Somehow it went to Tenn. instead of up here in Montana. The cheato of course is fine, the frogspawn hasn't opened up yet, hopefully it will be ok. The tiger jaw is very stressed, I matched the salinity in the QT to what he was in, acclimated him slowly and placed him in the QT. Put a towel up over tank, check on him once in a while, breathing pretty hard and hasn't moved much. Got my fingers crossed that he will pull through. I think they are pretty hardy fish.
I haven't ever got one on line that wouldn't eat. Tang, clowns, hawk, blennies, angel, all have been great except when there is a mishap with the shipper.
Once again I would pay more if I could pick them out at the LFS, but when you don't have a good one, the only way is on line, or don't do the hobby.


Active Member
Out of respect to the owner and operator of this site, please do not discuss, request or provide names/links etc to other stores, thanks. Keep the discussion general "buy online or buy at an LFS" please.


We have 2 LFS in town, both in the same chain. I can't wait to buy my fish at the 1st one (where I got the tank, etc. on lay a way now), but the other I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole, and probably will never go in again. It made me want to cry with the overcrowded, dirty tanks. The better one has people who love, interact and PET the fish and PLAY with the cleaner shrimp AND they have a 10 day guarantee on all fish, salt water included. Don't think I can go wrong there.. but it's all about how I've spent hours in there watching the people interact with the fish. Watching them is what made me want to do this... they take really good care of the fish, and if I want something they don't have, I can request it and go from there.