buy me


New Member
150 gallon saltwater set up for sale near wpb fl. looking for a good home
w/d filter
u/v sterilzer
protein skimer
2 mag 12 pumps
1 hp chiller
3 150w halide w/aquatintics
cherry finish cabinet
asst s/w fish
200 lb live rock
150 lb live sand


New Member
Originally Posted by ifirefight
Im in Boynton, Are you selling the fish also? I might be interested...depending on what you have.
3 clown fish
3 black damsel
1 lg blue hippo
1 flaming angel
lawn mower blenny
sand sifting star
engineer goby
coral beauty
royal gramma
6 misc crabs
1 leather coral


Active Member
IF you do decide to part out tank/livestock..keep me in mind. I am local,so no shipping. But, good luck selling it together though.