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I would recommend NOT buying two juveniles from the same tank. First of all, these are probably brothers and sisters and approximately the same age. You want diversity in the genes if they will be mating. And you also want a size difference if they will become a mated pair as well (note: they will always fight each other to become the female in the mated pair, and if they're both about the same size, they might fight until the death of one!!!).
So buy one from one tank and one from another tank. Not the same hatchery, and not the same size. Good luck!
I'm planning to have 2 different types of anemonefish mate. Two types of clownfish.
Great advise for pairing clowns
Ok I'm really not trying to flame you but intead trying to educate you. I was a bad mistake to go out and buy more clowns right after losing one to brookynella. This is a parasite which like ****** (ich)It probably has a cystic, freeswimming and parasitic stage. This normally takes a few weeks to complete and your tank won't be free of it untill it completes a cycle WITHOUT A HOST. I know its hard not having the fish you want but the key to this hobby is patience and and not feeding into instant gratification. Also I would not have bought from the same store for the same reasons stated above.