Buying a Nano - help with choices


New Member
Ok, I need some guidance. I see from the many posts that others share my frustration. I am looking to get into the "Nano" world and wanted to get everyone's opinions. I am looking at the:
Red Sea Max 34 gal
Finnex M Tank - 32 gal
Current USA Aquapod - 24 gal
I would purchase the max stock lighting for each. I am not a fan of the Nanocube. Any thoughts around these packages?
I will be using the nano for 2-3 fish and mainly soft corals.
Thanks for your help


New Member
Hello :)
I'm having the same issue! I'm sooooooooo confused! I want to have a reef tank with a few fish and I have narrowed it down to your selections. Has anyone provided you with any advice? I'm really leaning towards the red sea max. I'm going to try and visit a few LFS to get some advice. I haven't seen many reviews on the Red Sea Max. Do you have any input?
Anyone out there have any advice?
Thank you for any info:)


New Member
Hello Everyone,
Thank you all for the info:) I'm in the middle of researching what type of tank to get. Your input is very valuable to me. Generally, I heard the nanos are in fact less than 30 gallons, but when I look up info in the forums, the red sea max is easier to find in the nano section. Thanks for the wonderful pics:)
You guys are totally awesome!