Buying Fish and Others Online


New Member
I ordered from the Drs several fish and seahorses only to have a 50% death rate from shipping and what they sent was extremely small. I am so dissapointed. It makes me very reluctant to purchase again online from anywhere. Do you have any experience that is good or bad with other retailers online?


Active Member
Most people seem to have had good success buying from here. Personally, I would only buy livestock online if I had no other option. IMO, before buying any fish, you should observe it's color, eyes, scales. You should watch the fish eat and swim at the LFS to verify its health. And, as you have already experienced, you never know that the fish you buy online comes in the right size.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Most people seem to have had good success buying from here. Personally, I would only buy livestock online if I had no other option. IMO, before buying any fish, you should observe it's color, eyes, scales. You should watch the fish eat and swim at the LFS to verify its health. And, as you have already experienced, you never know that the fish you buy online comes in the right size.
I'm just the opposite; I've bought all my fish online for years and will never do it any other way. Some sites have a size range; and if the fish isn't in that range, they'll replace it. If you order a "small 3/4"-1 1/2" fish; that's what you should get.Smaller fish are usually cheaper, but they are small.DOA can and does happen; who knows why. But, IME, it is rare and the 15 day guarantee just can't be beat. I have never received a fish from any of the 3 dealers I've bought from that I wouldn't have selected myself. If I have a special request, they all will bend over backwards to honor it and I've been told several times that they didn't want to ship a particular fish because it wasn't up to their standards. The guys I buy from can also tell me the origin of the fish and that helps me avoid areas with cyanide problems.


Originally Posted by crimzy
Most people seem to have had good success buying from here. Personally, I would only buy livestock online if I had no other option. IMO, before buying any fish, you should observe it's color, eyes, scales. You should watch the fish eat and swim at the LFS to verify its health. And, as you have already experienced, you never know that the fish you buy online comes in the right size.
I agree. I might try buying a fish or two online, but I personally like watching the fish (and the other fish in other tanks since most stores are ran off of the same setup) for diseases, eating habits, etc.


Active Member
really depends on the fish. I probably would have never found a male and three female anthias locally. I see yellow clown gobies all the time locally but rarely a green clown goby (once to be specific). If I want something not readily available I have had nothing but good results ordering online. I've ordered 7 fish from the Drs and never had an issue. My current tank has fish so common it makes no sense to shop online fish unseen and paying for shipping. they are all from LFS. some fish like flame hawks seem to be really expensive locally and dirt cheap online so that would be a reason I'd chose online. I dont box myself into having to do it any one way.


but with their guarantee you really have nothing to lose- more then likely any fish thats last beyond 15 days will be healthy unless something else is introduced- what LFS offers any guarantee?


I can honestly say that I have made approx 7/8 orders from here and I have been more than pleased with the fish. a couple were smaller than I would have liked..but their health was very good. I continue to order from here with no hesitation. I have had a minimal fish loss from them and they have backed up their 15 day guarantee with no problems.

my LFS pretty much stinks. very little to choose from.


Active Member
I have done both LFS and online however the only place I have ever ordered from is HERE. Both of my orders here arrived ontime fully alive infact all the fish from the orders were fine until my tank was wiped out by the powerfaliure I had in my area that lasted 54 hours and my UPS was only rated for 30.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
I have done both LFS and online however the only place I have ever ordered from is HERE. Both of my orders here arrived ontime fully alive infact all the fish from the orders were fine until my tank was wiped out by the powerfaliure I had in my area that lasted 54 hours and my UPS was only rated for 30.
There was a similar post from your neck of the woods a while back; it sounds impossible, but it sounds like the power co. has admitted liability and is paying his losses.