Buying live rock over the internet


Originally Posted by jackri
If you have it shipped pick it up at the station, I've had them deliver it to the door in the winter (live in North Dakota) and although I was there waiting on it to arrive it was on the truck all day in below 0 temps. You're always going to have some die offs... depending on how bad but you could rinse it in some water change water and try and get all the dead stuff off before you put it in the tank. Watch for a spike in parameters right away as well and be prepared for a water change or two.
Would I need to rinse it some water before I put it in my tank if there is nothing in the tank?
well in my other post about the ice storm i got last week. i lost pwoer for 2 days and had no heat in the house either. well my tank got down to a freezing 64-63 degress. now im testing my water and everythings high
am .5
nitrite .5-1.
nitrate 10ppm
temp 80
sg 1.025
the tank has been up and running for about two months. also just a few days ago i lost my clown that i had for about a month
current live stock
2 pepperment shrimp
2 turbo snails
1 blue damsel
2 blue legged hermit crabs
1 chocolate chip star fish
i need help. A really dumb question should i let everything turn back to zero b4 getting another clown