Buying Live Rock


I am in the market to purchase Live Rock for my 92 Gallon Corner tank (tank looks a quarter of a circle). I see many different kinds of live rock, for example fiji rock, kupang rock, jakarta rock, and a few others. I notice that everyone tends to use Fiji rock. Is there a reason for this, or is this just what is most readily available. What kind of live rock should I buy? How much live rock should I purchase for a tank this size, and should I purchase large or show size pieces. I want all the rock to fit together nicely and remain nice and sturdy. I figure with show size live rock, I will only need a few pieces, and they will be heavier so they will be less likely to move. What is everyones opinion on this one?


Active Member
typically you want 1- 1.5 lbs per gallon...that will be much more than a few peices of rock...whether it's show or large pieces, you'll need many rocks. I prefer medium to large pieces and then just piece them together like a puzzle. Unless the show pieces aren't larger, maybe they just have more life...that could be worth it. I'd say eventually you'll want 120 lbs of LR give or take 25 lbs if you want the best biological filtration.
i have a 55 gallon tank i have about 45-50lbs of live rock i myself a purple fiji rock and is is awesome live rock it came from it is the best live rock i have bought yet. good luck hope you grow as much cool and weird stuf as me


Active Member
i like 1.5+ lbs per gallon, and fiji is the easiest and cheapest to find(normally), but the other types are just as good, they offer different shapes and variations of life
the size and shape of the pieces are entirely up to you and your aquascaping goals or intentions


Fiji Rock is cool and seems to be the Live Rock standard. I just purchased some very nice Tonga Rock. Looks a little different and has come brighter algae, a little more life as well. The price was a dollar more a lb but i think it was worth it.