buying live sand

Ok so i'm getting ready to set up my tank i've looked around at three diff. LFS and bought my live sand at a chain store my question is the small lfs here has baged live sand that they get from somewhere have no idea where but it has water in it like quite a bit and the sand that i actualy bought seems to be only damp is it supposed to have extra water in it or just damp? and also dose live sand have a shelf life the small store is owned and ran by an oriental family and me not having a clue about live sand asked if they put any thing in the sand when it was baged for the bacteria to feed off of she had no idea and looked at me like i was stupid iwas just making sure i wasnt going to buy sand that everything was dead in is this something i need to worry about


Active Member
I wouldn't waste my money on "live sand" and would instead buy qaulity sand and seed it with live rock. I'd also see if any local reefers would donate you a few cups of sand from their tanks or even better their fuges. I like doing this because it helps to increase the biodiversity in your tank.


Active Member
How big is your tank??? You can buy non-live sand and 20% live sand such as the caribsea kind and let it sit for several weeks.....Or if you don't want to wait just buy all live sand. Just depends on how much you want to spend, how patient you are and how big your tank is


there alot water most times.i bought the carib sea live sand that is dry.i atleast want the weight.but am like you what the deal with all the water.i thibk they are just getting r money there abit


Originally Posted by slt wtr stupid
Ok so i'm getting ready to set up my tank i've looked around at three diff. LFS and bought my live sand at a chain store my question is the small lfs here has baged live sand that they get from somewhere have no idea where but it has water in it like quite a bit and the sand that i actualy bought seems to be only damp is it supposed to have extra water in it or just damp? and also dose live sand have a shelf life the small store is owned and ran by an oriental family and me not having a clue about live sand asked if they put any thing in the sand when it was baged for the bacteria to feed off of she had no idea and looked at me like i was stupid iwas just making sure i wasnt going to buy sand that everything was dead in is this something i need to worry about
True live sand is from the ocean floor and lives only a few days without being submersed in SW and having flow. This is the real LS. Sand that is damp in a bag is good, and will still contain live bacteria.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
True live sand is from the ocean floor and lives only a few days without being submersed in SW and having flow. This is the real LS. Sand that is damp in a bag is good, and will still contain live bacteria.
When I moved back in May, I decided to change out the sandbed since it was very old sand and dirty too....I bought the caribsea live sand and when I transfer everything back in, it was fine and just a mini cycle. Didn't lose any fish or corals over it....