buying & storing live sand


can i just keep live sand in the packaging that it gets shipped in? or will this kill it off? for example the LS is on special at a really good price but my tank hasnt got powerheads or skimmers or rock. it does have heating lighting and a cannister filter. should i still be ok to add it? or is there a way to keep it from dying off until i can get more equipment?


Active Member
All of the LS that I have seen has a self life stamped on it. It is usually quite a long time if you think about it. So you might want to check it and see what the date is stamped on it. And then just a plug for our site owner here, you do know that they sell LS here don't you?
Since you are just setting up your tank I thought this thread might help you. I know I wish I had it when I set up my tank.


Originally Posted by Scotts
All of the LS that I have seen has a self life stamped on it. It is usually quite a long time if you think about it. So you might want to check it and see what the date is stamped on it. And then just a plug for our site owner here, you do know that they sell LS here don't you?
Since you are just setting up your tank I thought this thread might help you. I know I wish I had it when I set up my tank.
yeah i know they sell it on this site...... problem is they don't ship to australia
thanks for the link