BYE BYE tigerlover


BYE BYE Everybody.
I'm not coming on this board anymore.
I will not be back and some of you will be saying thank god
I do not deserve to be treated like crap just because I am younger. That is what I am treated like on this board though.
You think I am a liar because I am 13, but I am not like that.
I am treated like crap all the time, at home included. I have scars in places you have "beauty marks" because my dad loses his temper. I try to be nice but it never works, no matter how hard I try, in the end my age or some other factor kills me.
You were all 13 once, but you never had to go through what I go through, including the criticism on this board.
I get beat but I hold my head high no matter how much it hurts, if you can't respect that, then go to hell, I don't care what you think.
Go ahead MODS, close this up as soon as it opens, but I won't care, because I won't be here to see it.
BTW, anyone who remembers Articuno, the girl that loved a good debate, that was me, I got tired of the rude e-mails and attempts to make me argue.

nm reef

Active Member
I've no idea where this came from....I just checked your recent thread about mixing dwarf angels...saw this and WHAM!!!!!
I've not seen any indication that members are being out of line ... still I hate the thought of a member and fellow hobbiest leaving us.:(
Whatever you decide I want you to know I wish you the best.....and I hope your experience in this hobby continues to be a positive part of your life.


Staff member
Yes, I checked your recent posts too and didn't see anything. So what's up?


Thought I'd check one more time tonight and that was it.
I erased the thread that caused all the problems, I didn't wanna argue with such "mature" adults, maybe someone else can tell you more. It was entitled "GSM and coral beauty from into MY tank"
It got pretty ugly with the "big dogs"


New Member
Tiger, I am very sorry you are having problems at home. Maybe there is a school counselor or pastor or friends parent who you can talk to and maybe help you. Life is tough sometimes, for kids and adults, and sometimes how we react to those bad times is what makes us an adult or a kid. I know way too many "30 Year old kids" who never grew up and takes their problems out on other people.
However, I have just spent the last 20 minutes researching your threads and I can't find anything that goes along with anyone here abusing you. I am sorry if you have felt that way, but I just don't see it.
Try and relax, calm down and find an adult who you trust that you can talk to honestly. You really shouldn't be trying to deal with this situation on your own.


Staff member
Well, if the thread is gone, its gone. Easy enough here to resolve problems here, tiger...Don't know what the problem is but take some time before just leaving with hurt feelings or whatever. We are here to learn. If you are learning to be a marine hobbyist, then a few words with others here shouldn't scare you off. I would have been gone a long time ago if I let others harsh comments get to me. :D



Originally posted by Beth
If you are learning to be a marine hobbyist, then a few words with others here shouldn't scare you off. I would have been gone a long time ago if I let others harsh comments get to me. :D

I had to comment on this.
If it was just a few words, then I would be fine, but trouble seems to follow me, every day I face more of the insults.
"grow up and get a life"
"your so immature"
"you are too young to have a tank"
"you are lucky it survived 5 minutes"
"you are lying"
"you are transparent"
"you shouldn't have a tank"
"your age is blinding you"
"you are just a kid, respect your snobby, insulting elders"
"get a life"
"you have had more deaths in month than I have had in your life"(1 fish has died, no more, they are lying)
"I've had a tank longer than you've been alive"
"you couldn't have been studying swf since you were 5"
"you are a f****** little b****"
"you can't afford a tank"
"you are either a big fat liar or a troll"
"I can say whatever about you, you're just a kid"
"grow up kiddo"
"you've gotta be mature to hang with the big dogs"
"You've gotta be emotionally mature"
"I would never sell you a fish"
"you are too young to have any clue as how to take care of these fish"
"why listen to a kid?"
"you are to be seen and not heard"
"you are to young to give the time of day"
"you're posts are useless, you are too young to be of help"
"all you do is kill fish"(as said, I have only had 1 die)
there are many more, but it would take all night to list them


Staff member
So where are those comments? What threads? Is that all you get here, negetive comments? I don't think so, else I think you would have been gone a long time ago. What keeps you here?


Active Member
Hey Tigerlover - your GSM post was getting turned into a flaming post - glad it is gone. I found myself flaming one of your repliers and then I thought better of it and reported it so that it could get closed down or removed. My reply was getting pretty harsh with some of the other members who were riding you pretty hard - no reason to be that mean other than the fact they can sit behind a keyboard and rip someone miles away and never have to really confront them. Seen threads like that go south waaaay too fast! you have been trying hard and I hate to see you leave the board because of a few harsh words from people. Don't judge all the books in the library by just a few .....
and to quote JackieF - Tiger, I am very sorry you are having problems at home. Maybe there is a school counselor or pastor or friends parent who you can talk to and maybe help you.
AND: Most importantly follow this advice: Try and relax, calm down and find an adult who you trust that you can talk to honestly. You really shouldn't be trying to deal with this situation on your own.
Find a teacher @ school before summer starts - as a former teacher I know how important it is - so just find someone and say - hey can we talk for a minute or two?


What keeps me here? what has kept me here?
The will to learn more about the hobby, but recently even the few good comments I usually get have turned into nasty ones. I am tired of it now.
While I may keep an eye on this thread you can garuntee I will not ask anymore questions on here


You know Tiger, I think someone around your age also left the board but don't quote me on this. Logan is 15 and I think he got flamed a couple times. He use to post all the time but now hhhmm.... Guess he was tired of it also. If you have to go I think WE WILL ALL UNDERSTAND. I didn't read your post so I can't comment on it but I do you wish you all the luck on your tank. One more thing you can't let all the B/S get to you. Keep your chin up & take things one day @ a time.:D :) ;) :p


Active Member
you shouldnt leave because of a few bad posts, i read some of what you wrote, i personally think everyone goes through it sometime on this board. I wish i was lucky enough to afford a saltwater tank when i was 13. I wouldnt leave just because of a few bad posts, as for someone trying to email you just to argue... well, some people just have TOO much free time on their hands. :p


I think this board mainly designed for hobbyists to get help, not to get flamed. So just ignore whoever flamed you and keep up with your hobby. I don't understand y the flamers just cant' understand that hobbyists shared their pics or sad news because they wanted others to cheer or to sympathize and NOT TO FLAME. Frankly, you can do whatever you want with your tank and your money. But we're all trying to learn to make our hobby more enjoyable. That's y we're here. I'm telling you if someone told you that "you're a fish killer" that's BS. I know some moderator on here not really nice but I don't think all people here on this board are flamers. Good luck!


Active Member
hey there,
there are plenty of younger people on this board, most decide not to disclose their age and some I KNOW lie about their age to get more respect. Its sad it has to be like that. But you have seen all these replies, 99% of our 10,000 members are mature and great people. Stay and if it happens again, report the thread to a MOD.
Feel free to add me to your msn or AIM messenger list, I am a trainee pastor and if you would like to talk i am here.
Best Wishes.