Bye Bye Yellow Tang


Traded in my yellow tang today
went and got another 9lbs of live rock and 2 domino damsels. Are having only 2 damsels a bad idea? And, if i go tomorrow and get a 3rd will that be a bad idea?


i have no other fish in the tank, 11 hermits and 2 snails. Don't plan on getting any new fish for a long time... still bad idea?


Active Member
not a BAD idea, but when you go to add more fish they will be territorial terrorists terrorizing their territory


Damsels are very aggressive and territorial. If you get them now, you won't be able to add other fish later. As far as adding a 3rd to the two you have now, it's been my experience that it does not take long for fish to establish territory so depending on the size of your tank, the two may reject the new one. I would just watch them carefully (add the 3rd when you can be there to watch & rescue if there is a problem.)


On the flip side, yes they are territorial but they are also pretty, active and fun to watch. In my 8 year old's tank, he chose damsels and I love to watch that tank. Between the crabs and the lively damsels it is very enjoyable. Understand that they are territorial and could present a problem should you choose to change your mind and want more of a community environment then they could dampen your plans unless you traded them in.


As of right now i have only a 20 gallon tank. When i move back to school i am planning on getting a larger one. Would the best time to add other fish be when changing their surronding completley? or no matter what, say if i add 2 clown fish, will there not be room for them to live without fighting?


Active Member
Unfortunately, domino damsels can get very large pretty quick, and have the attitude to go with the growth spurts. 20g isn't very large, so don't add anymore fish. Be happy with what you have.