

New Member
Ok, I am a NEWB :help:
I have a 72gal tank that I have started. I just found this site and I LOVE IT! but wish I had found it sooner. So this is my question..... I have about 40lb of C.C. and in reading found it is not the best thing to have, I want to chang to Sand but I now also have my
LR (55lbs) worth, before I go any further with the tank, what is the best way to change
this out? Or do you think I should stay the the C.C. at this point?


Active Member
Im guessing you arent stocked with fish yet ....
What your going to want to do is mix up some water in a 5 g bucket and put all of your rock in there,
Get a 50 gallon bucket and drain as much water as you can into that so you dont have to start with new water.
Start scooping out the CC (it is WORK) when you get it all out , drain the rest of your water , just throw it away it is gonna cause a nitrate spike if you use it. Throw away the CC. put your rock back into the empty tank , set it up the way you want to , the pour the sand in to secure the rock , and use the 5g bucket water to start with so that there is less of a chance causing a sand storm. The start filling from the 50 g bucket. when you do that your gonna be left about 20 g's short so your obviously going to need to have some more water mixed up
and to be honest if you plan on having stars anemones and snails your going to want to make the change because the CC will cut all of them up and cause them to die
Hope this helped


New Member
I am in the same situatioin you are. I had already put my c.c. in and had the tank goin good and then found this site and started reading all of the bad things they say about c.c. I have also read though that it is possible to run a tank on c.c There is just more work involved because you have to vacuum the tank out all of the time because of everything that gets caught in between the rocks. I have seen a few people on this site who have had success using c.c though. we'll see what happens.


New Member
Thank you Oceanist for the information, it doesn't sound to be to hard to do. I'm very glad I asked early before I put my fish or coral in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by OMG7906
Thank you Oceanist for the information, it doesn't sound to be to hard to do. I'm very glad I asked early before I put my fish or coral in.

No problem , you are saving yourself a headache for sure , I had constant battles with keeping snails alive because the cc kept cutting them but now that i have changed i havent lost one since ive been changed for about 6 months now