Ca Caused a Super Molt- Kip-007-Bang-Anyone?


While doing the sand change from cc and bringing up my Ca and other water conditions I realized this morning I've caused everyone to molt. Bluelegs last night-Scarlett shrimp and Coral banded this morning. SHELLS Everywhere:notsure: I know Ca is good but by trying to bring up Ca it must really be working hard and I hope not to fast. I put 2 level teaspoons in a cup of tank water, disolve well and pour into tank 5 different times in an hour period. I do this on Sunday then on Thursday til I will hit 400. I started about 300-350 best I can tell by the color chart. I figured it would take about 2 wks to hit the goal??


Active Member
What are you using to bring up your Ca? Stress and excessive Iodine can cause molts in invertabrates.


Seachem Reef Calc - but mine also is the one with additives I believe. I'm bring up my sg from 1.022 to 1.023 over 4 days aswell. All other factors remain the same. Iodine I haven't monitored - but I have no way of adding at this time- No kit or additive.


Active Member
Theres really no need to add Iodine IMO, a good salt mix and regular water changes will give all you need.


That's the way I understand it as well. That's why no test kit. Takes a while to get all them and feel confident on color readings. My readings always seem - KINDA-
Like Nitrate on chart is a light gray but my bottle seems clear gray.
Ca is really hard with the start-end chart.


Active Member
First off . . . . slow down a bit. I think you are trying to change too much at once here.
So lets start at the top here.
You are adding Seachem's Reef Advantage Calcium correct?
Two things, you need to add the powder to RO water . . . NOT saltwater. This will lead to the Ca precipitating out of the water before it even makes it into the tank. Also, you need to use more than 1 cup of water for 2 teaspoons. But we will work on that after we get your salinity up to par.
Secondly, how big is your tank and what kind of set up is it? Total system volume here, not display volume.
Dont worry about iodine, it will take care of itself if you use a good salt.
Raising salinity is probably what you need to do first here. Get that stable and adjusted to at least .023, but to be honest .025 is better IMO. If you go that high, make sure you do it slowly.


Thanks 007
75Gal tank probably about 70 actual gal or a bit less due to sand and lr displacement. I probably should calculate better someday water vol. When people talk about vol. is it actual or nominal??
Seachem's Reef Advantage Calcium correct? Yes
add the powder to RO water . . . NOT saltwater. Thanks I didn't realize that at all. How long of time should I take to add say 2 cups?
Does an hour work several pours?
more than 1 cup of water for 2 teaspoons - Ok
I'll get the 1.023 set then go back and work on the Ca like you said.
In the mean time is it still ok to add the Reef/Fish liquid for feeding corals. It's like a cap per week. Maybe on a separate night? I admit I did Ca and that last night over 1 hour. (Ca, added some saltwater and additive)
I might add my phosphates are sorta high and I want down.
I hate brown sand.


Active Member
I used to drip my Ca additive in at about 4-5 drops per second by starting a siphon in an airline tube and tying a knot in it to slow it down to a steady drip. Dripped it into a high flow area. This may have been overkill, but it worked.
How much water do you top off with daily? You should add you Ca supplements to your top off water. This way you know that you are not over saturating anything.
And yeah, its fine to still add the coral/fish food or whatever. It wont hurt your Ca levels.


I might just rig me up a jug and air line for dripping I think the high flow area is the best as well for immediate dispursal. Til then I'll pour in very slow over time.
I an FOWLR with only 10 Frilly Mushrooms on rock, 30 or so Yel Polyps on rock and a new colt on rock but placed alone in sand bed.
My lighting is Coralife PC 260w 50/50 actinic-10k so with not much heat it lays directly on the tank which is cover entirely with glass and plexiglas with exact openings for htr, filter tubes and skimmer.
My water loss needless to say is nil. I believe in 10% wc each wk with Culligan RO/DI and I used to still add anti-chloramine but recently have decided to not use it. I'm not sure if that decision is right or wrong. I've used that stuff for some 33 years. Bummer uh wish I had stock in that Company