ca mandarines get ich?


I have an ich problem and am quarantining the other fish starting tomorrow do manderines get ich and if not do they still transport the disease. I hope not he's eating well and shows no sign of the disease. Thanks in advance for the help


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudhauler
I have an ich problem and am quarantining the other fish starting tomorrow do manderines get ich and if not do they still transport the disease. I hope not he's eating well and shows no sign of the disease. Thanks in advance for the help

I believe I read on here before that they do not get ich, as far as transporting it I wouldn't think so but I'm not positive.


Active Member
According to Mr. Fenner over at WWM, mandarins are susceptible to ich, velvet, etc. just like any other fish.
They should be QTed just like any other fish because they can definitely transport the disease. And if they get ich, just use hypo, no medications.

37g joe

alright so I had a spotted mandarin and had an out break of ich. I used malachite green but because his skin ubsorbes pretty much anything it was a death sentance later on I was told that the mucas membrain that he has protects him from ich but not 100 % sure if that is true just be careful