Cal and Alk


OK correct me here I am lost on these.
My Alk is super high 12
My Cal is 220
Going by what I have read I am dose Cal to bring it up to the 440 range and this will lower my Alk to the correct range?

bang guy

The only way I can think of that your Calcium would get that low is if your Magnesium is below 1000ppm.
A very large water change is the best way to balance your water once it's that far out of line.
The problem with using Calcium supplements to lower ALK is that it will further reduce the Magnesium, cause calcium buildup on powerheads and heaters, as well as create an unstable PH.


I'd also look into your calcium test kit. I used a seachem that always tested 100 points lower. I was also told that by a 20 year reefer to stay away from that test kit. Match it up with another test kit. I usually test out about 270.
I've also been have problems testing my alk with seachem too. I usually have to test two or three times to make sure what I get is accurate.
If things look out of wack, I always make a couple tests just to see if I get the same results.
Your 220 is probably 320, or maybe 350 just like ocean water.