cal and salt question


Active Member
Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
nope... IO salt is only 360 calk wise and i think 10 dkh.. you need to boost the calk lvl with some sort of additive.. ( calk portion if a 2 part calk/alk supplement additive.. i personally use RHF's 2 part and boost my water with it... i add 2.5 tsp to my 20 gal can while it's still ro/di.. then after 10 mins of mixing i add the IO salt... the alk part is already high so i dont boost that)
you can look up the DIY 2 part online.. just google "twopartsolution" and you can take it from there...

it was not a general statment.. it was refering to IO... as stated.. ( not trying to start anything but just wanted to make sure im not putting out false imfo)

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
again.. as far as i know.. IO is about 360 calk and 10 dkh... from the readings i have done and having to always boost my saltmix.. ( ill make a batch one day and test it and post it one day)
but geoj is right.. salifert did have a bad batch of test kits at one time.. i bought a salifert kit.. im using it but i dont like it.. too much work... i need to find a easier one for calk.. ( i think tropical marine is best for alk.. you just drop and count the drops till the color changes.. as easy as pie)
just got this from --.. after a little searching
posted by BILLYBEAUL1 w/help from Bertoni
Calcium Alkalinity Magnesium
Aquatic Gardens 430 8 1240
CoraLife 560 9 1380
Instant Ocean 350 12 1070
Kent 540 11 1200
Oceanic 580 8.5 1650
OceanPure 510 10 1320
Red Sea 400 8 1300
Red Sea Coral Pro 490 7 1300
Reef Crystals 420 12 1260
SeaChem Marine Salt 500 10 1400
SeaChem Reef Salt 540 10 1450
Tropic Marin 375 10 1230
Tropic Marin Pro Reef 450 8.5 1380
wow.. that came out hard to read.. but you get the point..
i saw that on -- to it looked pretty legit