calcium amount for a 75 gallon


does anyone have a 75 gallon tank and can tell me how much i hsould add? the drip rate?


what Sammy's trying to say have a 75Gal. tank right? and you put substrate and live rock(lr) in it right? well, each rock displaces an equal amount of water. So, if you had a few rocks and your substrate in the tank you would have displaced or lost 10Gal. of real water capacity...follow? basically you want to drip from the gallon container 1 drip a second, and I need a chart, but he's saying it would take 280milligrams to raise the calcium rating of the whole tank 1part per million(PPM). The last thing is if you put it in slowly like that and you test your ph, alkalinity, and calcium, it wouldn't take too long to figure out just how much(mgs) to put in on a continual basis to keep the calcium at a desired level of 400-450. I haven't used kalk yet, it's been way to complicated without someone like these guys to break it down for me, but am thinking about it especially if I can grab some pickle stuff for a couple bucks and try it myself. anyway, good luck.


I agree. It does sound really confusing at first. I hope I get the hang of it soon. Thank you for clearing that up though ;)

nm reef

Active Member
Vince....I'm not real sure about the tehnical end of it.....I do (and have)look at posts(use the search feature) concerning additives to raise and maintain calcium/alkalinity/ph......after researching the topic and trying to understand the need and function of this is what I did..........I stress the "I".....
in my 55 reef I wanted calcium @440-480ppm...alkalinity@3.5-4.0 meg/l..PH@ 8.3.........
First I bought test kits to allow me to measure these levels(salifert for me)
Second I purchased seachem additives(reef advantage/builder/buffer.....and liquid forms...reef plus&complete
Third I began a regular dose system of these products at 1/2 the companys suggested rates.....and closely monitoried the results
(I dose 1 teaspoon of additive of reef advantage or builder per 1 gal of top-off water(ro/di) on alternating days...........1/2 teaspoon reef buffer per gal on sunday......add liquid plus/complete 2 mil each on sunday morning........
this system allowed me to reach desired levels
Then I began doseing kalk(1/2 teaspoon per 1/2 gal of top-off every other night to help maintain these levels
I know it sounds like a lot.....but I was able to reach my desired levels.....and doing this system on a consistent basis I've been able to maintain these levels for 4+months..............folks do it different..........thats part of this hobby....research....make a few decissions..........formulate a plan...........and monitor your progress.......and keep us posted......
I know this has been long....but I do hope its helped ya a bit


it certaintly has! you showed me a way to set a precise schedule for myself. Thank you so much NM! :D