Calcium and Alk readings


Ok this afternoon my readings are as follows:
Calcium 390 ppm
Alk 8.6 dKH or 3.09 meq/L
is this ok or what? Is it correct that if I drip some calcium that my alk will lower and vice versa?


Your reding shold be alk 9 to 12dkh and to rais it up just use a ph buffer it will take care of the Alk


well ive got a product by Seachem called Reef Carbonate....this should be ok to use right? It says it raises carbonate/Alk.
also if I do raise my alk to around 9-12 dKH will this lower my calcium? I don't want to do that cause my calcium is only at 390 ppm. What should i do?


if this isn't a reef, i woudn't worry about it. what's your pH?


Oh yeah its a reef!
125 gal
with 55 gal sump/fuge
nitrate 0
Phosphate 0
Nitrite 0
Calcium 390 ppm
Alk 8.6 dKH
salinity 1.025
I'm sorry i did not test ph today
20 gallon water change every sunday with reef crystals salt
I am really interested in this thread as well. My readings are 7.7 dKH and 370ppm. I would like to know how to raise both as well!!
That ALK/Calcium chart means absolutely nothing to me!! I'm not sure how to read that chart...

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Golgi Aparatus
I am really interested in this thread as well. My readings are 7.7 dKH and 370ppm. I would like to know how to raise both as well!!
That ALK/Calcium chart means absolutely nothing to me!! I'm not sure how to read that chart...
I posted this info on your thread as well Golgi.
Ive found these articles to be very helpful with alot of info on your questions.
and this one for a library full of Reef Chemistry info.
Hope this help.