Calcium at 900 mg/l

omen nemzo

Ok I just changed 5g of water last night in a 40g tank, I use instant ocean salt (also the sg is at 1.024) I havent add cal im over a month and last week my cal was high at about 475-500 mg/l. I use the IO master kit for testing. I never had the lvls that high before (highest ever at about 650) all my corals seem fine same with the fish but should i worry about the lvls and if so how do I get them down. ive never really had this proplem before so I have no idea how i would bring them down. Oh also I just moved some sand around and had a bit of a storm could this have anything to do with the test? I tested not 2 mins after the storm.

aztec reef

Active Member
stay away from cal additions, do 10g waterchanges untill you have it under control...this is assuming your using reliable test kits..


Active Member
If it is not "snowing" in the tank then check PH and Alk. If both are stable then dont bother adjusting anything.
high Ca will balance itself. 500 is higher side of just fine. At 900 I would seek back up/alternate Ca test with separate kit. Numbers just seem questionable