calcium headache... too many products which to use...


Subject says it all, which is the best to use. I more or less would like to know what has or has not worked for everyone.
which is the best method to use.. kalkwasser, AB Solutions, calcium(liquid), calcium (dry).
which products are better to use... seachem, tropic marin, red sea, kent, esv, two little fishies, warner marine, salifert, mark weiss..... the list goes on.

bang guy

The best solution depends on;
a - Calcium Demand
b - Where you fit on the Price vs Convenience chart
Regardless, you need to keep in mind that Carbonate is equally or even more important than Calcium. You need to maintain that balance.
I currently use Kalk for 100% of my Ca and ALK requirements and this works best for me because of a very high evaporation rate in my system.
I can probably make a couple of recomendations for you if you let me know your tank size and a general idea of your livestock. High Calcium consumers include Leather Corals, Stony Corals, Clams, Snails, Coralline and Halimeda.


I use kalk at every water change and Tropic Marin Bio-Calcium for weekly addition to keep up with my LPS, SPS, algae, and leathers.
I typically use 4 tsp a week of bio calcium. You will need to check your calcium level to determine your replenishment rate.
Definately use kalk and vinegar.
One hint on dripping kalk. Get a 2.4 gallon water jug with a spigot (the type you set in a refrigerator), cut a hole in the top to put in the RO water and kalk/vinegar mixture, and you have a very cheap kalk doser. Drip it into your sump, or overflow (which is what I do) :)


Active Member
I've tried several of the more common reef supplements for raising/maintaining pH, alkk and calcium.
My preference today is;
Seachem Reef Builder for alkalinity.
Seachem Reef Advantage Calcium for raising/maintaining calcium.
Seachem Reef Buffer for pH
All are powders - and mix easily with RO/DI water.
I also will dose kalkwasser occasionally


I have a 72 Bowfront, currently FOWLR but I am at the point where I would like to move to some basic corals. My end game is to have a mixed tank with healthy clams, SPS as well as a few softies.
Berlin method filtration, 100 lb LR with RedSea Berlin Skimmer (would like to add 20lb more rock in the future.) two 400w MH with 10k Euros(My LFS gave me the wrong bulbs, I got Euros in stead of Germans, I will have those once they get them instock), looking to add PC for dusk/dawn at a later date. Planning on adding a refugium with chaetomorpha in the next month or so.

bang guy

With that lighting and your desire for clams & SPS I would suggest a Calcium Reactor. Second best would be a Nilsen Kalk reactor combined with a two-part additive like ESV's B-Ionic.