calcium level


New Member
my tank is up for 3 weeks my calcium is 600 i have mushrooms that were on live rock is this going to hurt them amonia nitrite nitrate all seem ok ph 8.2 8.3 tank still cycling have 2 damsels 3 scarlet hermits 3 snails 6 blue hermits 30lbs. live rock tank is 75 gal. have sump with 15lbs. live sand tank has 1/2 to 1 inch sand not live when se up brown algea starting to die off will this hurt the mushrooms and should i be adding anything to the tank for the shrooms ben using purple up as directed by LFS also have skimmer fairly good amount of brown gunk comimg out

bang guy

Yes, that is too high. It's so high that I doubt you have much Alkalinity left.
Is your LFS telling to to raise calcium so high? I strongly recommend you stop adding Calcium.


Active Member
u might want to add more live rock as well, but, im not real sure on that one, someone else with more knowlege will have to chime in on this one lol

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Are you testing the water or LFS? And if I where you ,i would not use Purple Up now or later for that matter.Its a useless product.
I would let your tank finish cycling and get the test kits your going to need in the future. Ammonia,Nitrate,Nitrite,PH,and if your going to keep coral Calcium,Alkalinity and Magnesium.


Uh...water changing time. As a matter of fact, most tanks are perfectly fine in their levels if proper water changes are made periodically. Calcium should be 380 to 500. Shoot for around 420-450, but don't fight it if it wants to be 400 lol. Alkalinity anywhere between 8 and 12 if great.