Calcium Levels in 120 gallon Reef


New Member
We have a 120 gallon reef tank that hsa been set up for a year (upgraded) from a 45 gallon. I have recently noticed that my calcium level is low. Does anyone have any suggestions of why this would be, and how to change it? Thank you for any help you could offer. Have tested my water levels for everything else and it all is right on.


Active Member
Telll us a little about what coral you have in the tank. You can increase calcium a number of ways, supplements, reactor, water changes etc. You should also check your alkalinity and magnesium as these three need to be in balance with each other.


What kind of salt do you use? I was having the same problem and had to change salts. I switched to Kent Marine salt from Instant Ocean Reef Crystals and do not have to dose as much now.