Well I would usually agree with the above statement that its impossible to get a Ca reading that high, that was until about a month ago when I noticed my needle valve on my reactor was increased so much that the aragonite in the first chamber was almost all dissolved, I must have bumped it
Anyway I tested my Ca with a brand new salifert kit, 600 ppm, thought to myself the test is bad, ill send it back, tested with my old salifert kit, 600ppm. I have adjusted the reactor and it is slowly coming back down to normal, right now its at 540ppm. No precipitation or "calcium storm", no adverse affects at all. Now i know thats no where near your 915ppm Ca concentration, but it shows that the 500ppm roof for Ca either varies from tank to tank or the limit is higher than thought. Or I have two bad test kits
I have heard of others having hig Ca and have even heard of a guy who keeps his at 550ppm, for what its worth.