Calcium levels


New Member
What are the Ideal levels for Calcuim, Salainty and Idoine...and other things like that?
Also are wet/ Dry Filter Bad for reef Aquariums


With my tank I keep my salinity a little lower than most. 1.022. I think the sps do better in my tank with the lower levels. Iodide i keep at .06, no exceptions, any higher and you will have trouble. CA, min 450. Steve

bang guy

I keep Calcium above 400 and my Salinity at 35ppt. I try to keep my Iodine levels as low as possible.
Please don't discount the importance of your ALK level. I try to maintain 3.0 Meq/L but 3.5 is probably better for most tanks.


I was of the understanding that alk of natural seawater is 2.1-2.5 meq/l... Is that not correct? Or do you keep it higher to allow more of a buffer to the low level?
Just curious.

bang guy


Originally posted by GatorCSM
I was of the understanding that alk of natural seawater is 2.1-2.5 meq/l... Is that not correct? Or do you keep it higher to allow more of a buffer to the low level?

You are exactly right with both statements. I believe most tanks benefit from an ALK above 3.5 because it lowers the PH swing. PH swings in the wild reef are sometimes HUGE but our animals are under considerably more stress than their wild relatives.
I believe 3.0 is fine for me because of my refugium being lit in reverse of the Display tank. This keeps my PH very stable.