calcium low, alkalinity high


New Member
Good Morning,
To answer your questions:
Instant ocean
24 hrs
Ionized only
I think I found the calcium spike yesterday. I woke up last night and remembered that I added Micro-Vert yesterday. I checked it and it has calcium. My numbers this morning are:
Calcium - 390 mg/l
PH - 8.2
Alkalinity - 5.5 meq/l
If my calcium continues to drop and alkalinity stays stable, should I just add only a little calcium this evening (part 2 of b-onic) and just continue to monitor?


I use Instant Ocean. I get DI water from LFS. I just mix the salt in a 5 gallon jug with a lid and shake it up by hand. It's mix for at least 24 hours before I use it, most times longer. Could my problem be that I'm shaking it up by hand? Should I be using a power head instead?


Yes you should be using a powerhead, this will also help stablize the pH of the water before it gets into your system. I use the bubbler attachment that came with mine to help oxygenate the water.