Calcium Precip


I have been noticing, mainly on my sponge "snow". And there is buildup daily on my overflows. A white snow substance.
Here are my tests.
All API tests except the Mg which is Red Sea.
KH 9
CA 560 (yes high)
PH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5ppm
Phosphate .25
Mg 1600 (most likely a smidge higher)
I don't dose and I do a 32g water change every 10 days. 150g tank.
I feed Mysis every 3 days, 1 cube.
I also put in Phyto and Marine Snow.
Do you think I am getting a calcium precipitation.
I used Instant Ocean Reef Crystals.
Thanks for any input.


Well-Known Member
Make up a batch of new salt water and test the parameters with the kits that you have. If those results give you the same as your display tank then you may have a bad batch of salt. Sometimes it happens...
If the new batch gives you what it is supposed to give, (8-9dKH, 400-420ppm Ca) then I would recommend doing a series of water changes on your tank to level everything back out again.
If you are supplementing with any kind of pH buffer, alkalinity buffer or calcium supplement, please stop immediately.
Also, it could be a nutrient issue, because you are dosing marine snow - it could be causing a layer of bacteria to grow on everything. I've seen white bacterial clouds and "dust" form in certain conditions.
Check your heater. If your heater is building up calcium deposits, then there is a definite chemistry problem.
Post your results when you get the chance.


Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/394185/calcium-precip#post_3508231
Make up a batch of new salt water and test the parameters with the kits that you have. If those results give you the same as your display tank then you may have a bad batch of salt. Sometimes it happens...
If the new batch gives you what it is supposed to give, (8-9dKH, 400-420ppm Ca) then I would recommend doing a series of water changes on your tank to level everything back out again.
If you are supplementing with any kind of pH buffer, alkalinity buffer or calcium supplement, please stop immediately.
Also, it could be a nutrient issue, because you are dosing marine snow - it could be causing a layer of bacteria to grow on everything. I've seen white bacterial clouds and "dust" form in certain conditions.
Check your heater. If your heater is building up calcium deposits, then there is a definite chemistry problem.
Post your results when you get the chance.
Ya, I don't dose anything at all. I have only put in Phyto and Marine Snow two times in the last week. I looked on the heater and yes, there is some build up, I think it is a buildup. I guess I can't tell if it is a build up or just stuff from the tank.
I am mixing a new batch right now, and will test this and see where it is at. I would expect these high levels if I was buffering dosing etc. But I haven't put a thing in the tank. As soon as I test the batch tomorrow I will let you know.


Well-Known Member
You can test the batch for ca, alk and mg as soon as it dissolves completely. You don't have to wait until tomorrow. The only reason why you would want to wait 24 hours is to make sure the pH is stable and there is an equilibrium of gas exchanges. You can test your ca, alk, and mg tonight if you wish.
If you can't blow off the crust on your heater with a baster, and it is hard stuff that you have to remove with a fingernail or otherwise, then it is definitely a calcium/alk issue.


Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/394185/calcium-precip#post_3508236
You can test the batch for ca, alk and mg as soon as it dissolves completely. You don't have to wait until tomorrow. The only reason why you would want to wait 24 hours is to make sure the pH is stable and there is an equilibrium of gas exchanges. You can test your ca, alk, and mg tonight if you wish.
If you can't blow off the crust on your heater with a baster, and it is hard stuff that you have to remove with a fingernail or otherwise, then it is definitely a calcium/alk issue.
Here are the results for the New Salt Water I mixed up.
Test Date: 1/15
CA - 600
KH - 11
MG 1520
Salinity is 1.025
Temp is 80.
Again, the salt I am using (which this is a brand new tub) is Instant Ocean Reef Crystals.
My Tank results from yesterday are below for easy comparison
Test date: 1/14
KH 9
CA 560 (yes high)
PH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5ppm
Phosphate .25
Mg 1600 (most likely a smidge higher)


Well-Known Member
Might be a bad batch of salt.
Your using api for alk and ca? Take a couple samples to your lfs and have them test it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ballardboi http:///t/394185/calcium-precip#post_3508304
Here are the results for the New Salt Water I mixed up.
Test Date: 1/15
CA - 600
KH - 11
MG 1520
Salinity is 1.025
Temp is 80.
Again, the salt I am using (which this is a brand new tub) is Instant Ocean Reef Crystals.
My Tank results from yesterday are below for easy comparison
Test date: 1/14
KH 9
CA 560 (yes high)
PH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5ppm
Phosphate .25
Mg 1600 (most likely a smidge higher)
That is super high... Does your mixing container have any build up?? Maybe just a bad batch of salt like Snake suggested.
But I also agree with Snake, take some samples to the LFS (did you buy the salt at a LFS? If so, bring the samples there to have them test) to have them test. It may be the test kit that is a bit off, but with those crazy high numbers, I bet its the salt.


Originally Posted by sweatervest13 http:///t/394185/calcium-precip#post_3508307
That is super high... Does your mixing container have any build up?? Maybe just a bad batch of salt like Snake suggested.
But I also agree with Snake, take some samples to the LFS (did you buy the salt at a LFS? If so, bring the samples there to have them test) to have them test. It may be the test kit that is a bit off, but with those crazy high numbers, I bet its the salt.
Well I just went to the LPS. And they were the same readings also. He said that Instant Ocean sets there parameters at 77 Degrees and with my water being at 80 it could throw it up.
I do get a build up after each mixing, I have every time I have used Instant Ocean. Think I should switch? My CA has always been high, and I have just started testing for Mg.


Active Member
Curious you stated your using a tub....I guess your meaning a bucket of salt......It's possible that the ingredients may have separated in the bucket of salt giving your odd readings.....
Another suggesting is dump the Marine Snow....Not worth it at all......


Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/394185/calcium-precip#post_3508333
Curious you stated your using a tub....I guess your meaning a bucket of salt......It's possible that the ingredients may have separated in the bucket of salt giving your odd readings.....
Another suggesting is dump the Marine Snow....Not worth it at all......
Thanks for that I was doing the research and pretty much realizing it is doing nothing. I just did a water change with the water and the readings are just way way off. I was thinking of switching to Red Sea salt... any luck with that. I hate to, as the price is def different. But I am not all about the "mood" swings I am getting with Instant Ocean. My tank was nuts with the last readings, and the new tub was just as bad in regards to CA, KH, and Mg. So high.


Active Member
Could very well be a bad batch of salt, but you eluded my initial question.... You are using salt from a bucket or bags?


Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/394185/calcium-precip#post_3508407
Could very well be a bad batch of salt, but you eluded my initial question.... You are using salt from a bucket or bags?
I am using a bucket of Salt.
Just seems odd that my DT is high in Mg and CA. I open a new bucket of IO and the initial SW test is even higher on CA and Mg.


Active Member
My point in was that it might not necessarily the salt... It could be the components of the mix have separated and this is known to happen with the buckets. Most use bags so they can mix the entire contents at 1 shot.


Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/394185/calcium-precip#post_3508435
My point in was that it might not necessarily the salt... It could be the components of the mix have separated and this is known to happen with the buckets. Most use bags so they can mix the entire contents at 1 shot.
Good point. Never looked at it that way. I could certainly try. I was just looking at bigger the better for cost savings. Appreciate the point... maybe I will just a huge cake mixer and dump the bucket into it and mix it before i use it. Ha.


Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/394185/calcium-precip#post_3508457
You know, egg beater might not be such a bad idea.
That will be the new process. Tubing, RO/DI water, Mixing tank... heater...what am I missing.... OH YEAH my Egg beater! I need a 12X12 room for only my tank supplies. I have already been looking at getting another tank..bigger of course.. Addiction.


Well-Known Member
Buying kitchen equipment and buying aquarium equipment sometimes go hand in hand...
turkey baster
plastic containers
syran wrap
egg beater
measuring cups of various sizes
pickling lime
baking soda
lol Sometimes you can even get away with storing it in the kitchen, if your wife doesn't mind.


Active Member
Post a pic
With the waste numbers so high it may just be Bacterial flocks
A good indication of precipitation is to see calcium and KH drop say over night from your highest tested numbers down to your lowest tested numbers
Example: I had calcium go from 460ppm to 380ppm when mag was lower around 1200ppm and alk go from 10dkh to 7 All of this with no visible difference in the tank.