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My new 125 tank has been running for three months now, I first set it up using instant ocean salt, which I have found out only has around 360 on calcium so I've been having to work on raising that from the start, I have since gone to reef crystals for water changes which is suppose to be around 420. I Plan on having quite a bit of sps corals so I need to get these levels over 400. right now I don't feel I have a heavy load on the tank with corals that require a lot of calcium, I have one large sps some lps and softies, I built a kalk stirrer about a month ago and am still working on the right amount of mix to put in it,
I'm up to five tsp. a week. I would also dose with the two part b-ionic and with the kalk and dosing was able to raise my cal. up to 420 but within a week it was back down to under 380 when I didn't dose the two part. I would like to get away from dosing all together.
My alk and mag seem to be running were it needs to and staying consistent with the calcium. so I feel everything is in balance, just usinging a lot of calcium.
I do have a lot of coraline growth and my one sps has almost doubled in size in about 6 weeks. So my question is what do I do to keep calcium levels up without dosing the two part? am I not adding enough kalk to the stirrer? should I continue to added the amount of kalk and see if it finally keeps up, or am I going to have to end up adding a calcium reactor to the system?
I have a close to 200 gal. total system. and I have a safety switch over if the ph goes to 8.5 it switches over to frsh water instead of kalk water.
I'm up to five tsp. a week. I would also dose with the two part b-ionic and with the kalk and dosing was able to raise my cal. up to 420 but within a week it was back down to under 380 when I didn't dose the two part. I would like to get away from dosing all together.
My alk and mag seem to be running were it needs to and staying consistent with the calcium. so I feel everything is in balance, just usinging a lot of calcium.
I do have a lot of coraline growth and my one sps has almost doubled in size in about 6 weeks. So my question is what do I do to keep calcium levels up without dosing the two part? am I not adding enough kalk to the stirrer? should I continue to added the amount of kalk and see if it finally keeps up, or am I going to have to end up adding a calcium reactor to the system?
I have a close to 200 gal. total system. and I have a safety switch over if the ph goes to 8.5 it switches over to frsh water instead of kalk water.