calcium reactor or refugium?



I only have room in my sump to have a refugium or I could order a CR and put it in there. What should I do? it's a 75g tank 33g sump I'm going to be keeping SPS/LPS and I don't want to have to dose all the time. I also want a refugium for all its reasons.
any suggestions


With proper water changes using the right salt, you may not have to dose calcium at all.


Active Member
Most calcium reactor models I've seen run externally, so it wouldn't need to be in the sump anyway.


Active Member
either you need a calcium reactor or you dont. it really comes down to (eventually) if you want to dose everyday (or automated with dosing pumps) or let the calcium reactor do it for you. Water changes wont maintain an LPS/SPS dominated tank. Not a either or proposition. If you dont feel like you need the calcium reactor NOW get the refugium and do the reactor later. either way if you have decided a reactor will be your means of adding calcium and carbonates you are GOING to have a reactor sooner or later wether you get the refugium or not.