calcium reactors


i've been running one for a year now and it's run perfect. couple of days ago hard to set bubble count - runs alittle while then stops
is there a way to clean the regulator?
thanks mep


the co2 is full i've been trying to adjust both knobs but no luck i've got the main knob opened up almost fully with the fine tuning making small ajustments but it runs a couple of hours and then stops
i also run on manual with no pinpoint monitor
goldfish let me know when you want some frags i also got the tort a while back almost ready to be fraged


Active Member
how high are you running the pressure 10-20 pounds? I like to open my needle valve just a tiny bit and adjust the bubble count using the pressure knob on the regulator. maybe you have a leak somewhere?
I got a tort frag from Shawn Benett a few weeks ago but other then that I'm open for game:)
BTW, it really ticks Goldfish off when people confuse me with him. I don't mind but he hates it:happy:


Active Member
It was back in the Mr Bubbles days. That guygirl really hated me. Then they made me a mod, it must of killed him because I haven't heard from him since.
It really used to tick him off when people would get us mixed up.