Calcium, Strontium & Molybdenum


I am about to start to add Kent Marine Liquid Calcium to my aquarium (my LFS ran out of Kalkwasser) so, my question is can I use the liquid calcium and the Kent Strontium & Molybdenum at the same time or do I have to wait some time before using one and the other.


On the bottle of Kent's Strontium & Molybdenum it says that it can be dosed with Kalkwasser. This would lead me to believe that you should be able to add it at the same time as the calcium. You could always wait a few minutes between adding them anyways just to be sure. I usually mix the Strontium & Molybdenum in with my Kalk that I drip at night. I put about 5ml per gallon which works out to about 1ml I add daily.