Calcium tests


I've only used Red Sea and Salifert. Red Sea always comes out to a 400 level (the test measures calcium at even levels of 50). The Salifert generally has some variation in the level and measures in levels of 10.
I do use Red Sea salt which claims to have a calcium level of 400, so maybe the test results are accurate, but when I see no variation it makes me doubtful of the accuracy. Note that the Salifert test has never been more than 20 off from the 400 level (Range always tests between 380 and 420).


Active Member
I have a Hagen test kit and it works great for me. It measures in increments of 20.


Active Member
I'm not really sure. Every test kit I've ever owned is gear towards the color-advantaged, while I'm am color-blind. So I always have to take my tests into the LFS and they test my water with my test kits for free. Not sure which is the best.


Active Member
I've used Red Sea test kit, but it wasn't too acurate .Then i switched to Hagen. It was really bad test kit. It was showing 560 all the time. Now i use Tropic Marin test kit. It is very acurate and i trust him!!!


Active Member
I use Red Sea, but I don't like it because of the reseans already mentioned. I'm switching to the salifert.


Red Sea has a "Calcium Pro" test kit that seems to work MUCH better than the standard calcium test they produce. It can give a reading that is +/- 10 ppm. I have come to like the results of this test very much.