Calcium to low



I just Put a mushroom rock,leather, and Long tenicle plate corals in my tank. LFS gave me mydor reef and marine supplement #7 for my calcium level. My calcium is only 280 and has not been going up after I added the Mydor. Is there a better liquid calcium I can use to raise my levels up? Or do I just want to keep adding the mydor 1 or 2x a week till it gets up to 450?


Active Member
Try Kent Liquid Calcium to bring it up and Kent Tech CB to maintain calcium and alk levels.


I really like the reef complete. There is a pool calcium additive that I heard works really good also, and cost a fraction of reef additives. Not sure of the name, but it is made by HTH I think.
Schwartz, can't you hear the little voice telling you to by my 180 gallon tank setup.

zack schwartz

Active Member
Originally posted by mb4000:
<strong>I really like the reef complete. There is a pool calcium additive that I heard works really good also, and cost a fraction of reef additives. Not sure of the name, but it is made by HTH I think.
Schwartz, can't you hear the little voice telling you to by my 180 gallon tank setup.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Where u located????? I am in bellevue.

nm reef

Active Member
Reef Complete is a Seachem product. I use Reef Advantage & Builder for establishing calcium & alkalinity.....then I dose kalk nightly to maintain established levels. Its been my experience that both calcium and alkalinity need to be established(along with a stable ph) to have success maintaining desired levels long term.